Where is the Baby Bee Yoga studio located?

We do not have our own, physical space. Baby Bee Yoga works directly with the County of Orange to use county parks, as well as independent studios throughout Orange County to rent space for our classes! Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have added virtual classes to our class schedule.

Do I need to sign up for a class in advance? If so, how do I do that?

Yes, you will need to sign up for a class in advance in order to receive the Zoom link and details! We will also not be accepting cash at our in-person yoga classes at this time. You can sign up on the “Book Your Free Class’ page or click here.

Do I need to bring anything to my yoga class for me and my baby?

For our Prenatal classes, you’ll need our Zoom link (for virtual classes), a mat, and water. (Towel, blanket, blocks, and bolsters are all optional)

For our Mama & Baby Yoga classes, you’ll need our Zoom link (for virtual classes), a mat and water, plus anything specific for baby! (Baby essentials - diapers, wipes, food, etc, and baby’s favorite blanket & toys)

*Please note - we will not be providing props at this time. Please prepare and bring your own.

You can find more details about what to bring on our ‘About Our Classes’ page.

Are the classes intended for all levels?

Yes! Any and all levels are welcome! We will offer different variations and modifications to provide a safe and effective yoga practice for anyone!

Are your Prenatal Yoga classes safe for all trimesters of pregnancy?

Yes! Our Prenatal yoga classes are designed for any and all trimesters, by offering different variations and modifications.

How old does my baby have to be to attend your Mama & Baby Yoga class?

Once you are cleared by your Dr. to exercise, you can bring baby to a Mama & Baby yoga class! You can either have baby beside you, or bring a wrap or carrier if you prefer to baby-wear!

My baby just started crawling, can I still come to Mama & Baby Yoga classes?

Once your baby becomes mobile, we recommend attending our Mama & Toddler yoga classes. (Coming soon!) This class is geared more towards the mobile baby (roughly 9 - 24 months) by offering a more interactive practice with props, toys, songs, and dancing!

My little one doesn’t sit still, so I don’t think they’ll be able to do a yoga class!

That’s ok! They aren’t required to sit still during a baby yoga class. We encourage movement, discovery, and curiosity, and we do our best to keep baby engaged throughout class using music, props, toys, and dancing! But if your baby isn’t feeling it that day, that’s ok too! Try again another time!

What if my baby is crying, if I need to feed them, or they’re making too much noise during a yoga class?

No problem! Babies cry, need to eat, and sometimes make noise! That’s ok! We encourage you to do whatever you need to do for your baby during each class. Our goal is to provide a safe, supportive, and encouraging environment for you and your baby.

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